It has been almost a year since we first met and you spoke to our group. I wanted to drop you a quick note of follow up. As we go about our daily activities, it is often easy to lose focus of the important things in life – religion, family, friends, community and business. As we put our various hats on each day, we come across all kinds of people. Some of these experiences mean more than others. Occasionally, and I mean rarely, do we have an experience that changes us significantly. Noticeably. Overnight.
I wanted to thank you for giving that to me and my team. We all attend functions and hear speakers but rarely do they do anything that has any lasting impact. Well…here it is almost a year later and we still find ourselves talking about “Gus”. You have a staying power. More than that you have changed us…just a little…but permanently. We are better people for knowing you. More productive. More focused. Thanks.